
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Self Hosting Vs Container

Let' understand few basic concepts behind Hosted & Self-Hosted.

What is a Host?
In very simple words - "a host is where the site lives".
Special computers called servers (rents space on computers)  are owned by the hosting company and they are used to host (store) the website.

What Is A Hosted Platform/Hosting Company? (Popular ones - Wix, Blogger, SquareSpace)
Hosted platforms are an all-in-one buy (Build & Host Website). They provide propriety software to build your website and the computer storage space where that site will live. Hosted company handles all the software updates for you, and this can contribute to a low maintenance burden.

Drawback here is the inherent restrictions on customization and functionality.Also if at any point you are unhappy with the hosting company, you have to abandon your site and build another site from scratch elsewhere. Also, if the hosting company goes out of business, your website goes down with them.

What Does It Mean to be Self-Hosted?
A developer builds a self-hosted website using software of their choosing, and then hires a hosting company to store that website. Price ranges from free (NPO) to several hundred dollars for a fully-managed dedicated server.

Self-hosted websites provide the ultimate in flexibility and customization. If you’re unhappy with your hosting company, you can pick it up and move it elsewhere.

Few Hosting Softwares:

Hope this helps!!!


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